A great poem written by my daughter-in law

Sara Kravetz original 


You can have all the support in the world and still feel alone,

It’s something you can hide,

or choose to own.

The amount of time it takes you, 

Will be unknown.

Its your journey but your concealed thoughts will be shown. 

You can hide behind closed doors,

or change what you have ignored.

Or choose to hide it because it’s all been stored. 

Making excuses time after time doesn’t make up for the fact that you wanted to be blind.

Blind from what you thought was the version of you, 

Or the version of you that you wanted to pursue. 

Our thoughts our a vast place,

And in the wrong mindset reasonable thoughts are replaced.

Silence is sometimes all we need to hear,

It tells us what we personally fear. 

And fear can be what we need to face no matter the situation or thoughts that need to be replaced .

The joy of living is a gift,

As long as you live and survive and not just exist.

We may have some falls and trips,

But it’s our story and it may be something we could never predict.

Yet we need to keep climbing because no matter the struggles you face,

it’s always beautiful at the top once 

You get through it and see what awaits.