Change is for Certain

Imagine how boring life would be if everything stayed the same? How would we get to experience all the joys of life without the constant change in our lives? Whether we accept that fact or not will determine to what degree we suffer.

When we fall in love, the hope is that the intoxicating feeling we experience will last forever. We know that it will change, in fact when we flow with that change the love will only grow and evolve. I am blessed to be in a new loving relationship in which I feel that exhilarating intoxication along with a sense of familiarity like we’ve known each other forever. I’ll be working on accepting the inevitable changes that we will experience together, if we resist and try to hold on, pain inevitably results.

My father Michael is still with us at 103 years old. I share this because as I visit him every other day, his overall condition changes each time.  It’s not easy to observe this, he is declining as we all do as we age, yet his is accelerating rapidly.  I am also blessed to spend time with my 3 year old grandson Micah frequently. His changes are rapidly accelerating,  I notice so many each time we’re together. He’s adorable, has many new words, expressions and mannerisms and is a sponge for learning.

The great genius Albert Einstein once said: ”The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” The fact is that change is the one constant in life, yet we frequently resist it. We fight growing old, yet it inevitably occurs. We cherish the delight of having our children with us, they grow up and leave the nest.

Relationships will either evolve or disintegrate. It doesn’t mater if it’s with our primary love interest, a child, friend or work colleague, the relationship will change. Honest communication is paramount. Whether we accept a life situation or not, it still is.  Change is never easy because one of life’s toughest challenges is letting go. Whether it’s love, loss, or any difficult emotion, too often we fight to hold on and fight to let go.  if we focus our energy on building the new rather than fighting the old, real change can occur.

The question is, why do we find change so difficult when it is inevitable? We hold on to the notion that we can find security without change, even though deep down we know things will change, usually for better yet sometimes for worse.  Is it human nature to resist change?  We have experienced tremendous changes these last two and a half years, nobody escaped the disruption. It was an opportunity to slow down our overly scheduled hectic lives and take time to reflect and recharge. Now that life has returned to a certain degree of normality, have we changed our perspective on life having had a good amount of time to reflect?

For me it has been a journey of discovering a deeper and more authentic self. The more time I allow myself to go into the silence and listen to my soul, the change is profound and one that I happily embrace. If you allow for time to listen to and truly hear that still small voice within, it will change your life, in a way that will be absolutely joyous.