
Out Of Control?

I dreamt of a tidal wave, didn't get swept away but it was a wake-up call. As you can imagine, when you have vivid dreams like that you wake up pretty shaken. Upon analyzing my dream, I realized I've been bottling up lots of feelings and emotions. To me, the dream symbolizes that I have to get rid of old habits that are no longer serving me, before I really do get carried away by the tidal wave of life. Time to start in a new place. As any human on this planet, there are always overwhelming emotional issues that demand our attention.  We burn the candle at both ends and the middle.  Are you a chaos addict or an adrenaline junkie?  The problem is when it shows.  Revealing the unbalance when you are late for everything, unprepared, disorganized, and forgetful.  People need to take care of themselves. We need wise selfishness in all kinds of relationships. If you need time for yourself, you must take it or else you'll feel like a plant trying to grow in the driest soil. We must water and nurture ourselves. People need growth and stability.

On a positive note, a wake-up call like this is refreshing when you realize that you need to make brand new starts in certain places of your life and clear away old things. It's a renewal process.  Like a butterfly shedding its cocoon and flying, living free and happy.   Is it time for change? People view change to be a scary or intimidating thing. It's time to confront  and quiet down those overwhelming rough waters and have calm peaceful balance.  When those waves creep back up again, we can learn how to surf and enjoy them.  Instead of being terrified and disturbed by uncertainties, we can learn how to ride the waves out.