Social media

Rebel, It’s Time to Care Less

These days it’s difficult not to focus on the vast array of outrageous news that bombards us from far too many sources. There are the President’s non stop mostly ridiculous and outrageous tweets that cable news and social media are intent on repeating ad nauseam. What if we consciously decide to stop giving up our serenity by paying so much  attention to him? I have wasted countless energy discussing how he and his administration are going to destroy our democracy, the environment and start World War III! I’ve recently come to the realization that we will endure this presidency, survive and most likely thrive in the future.

All the mass shootings are tragic and quite disturbing indeed . And what about the threat of terrorism that politicians want us to believe we are in imminent danger of at any moment. These two issues are are almost one and the same.  While they are real dangers, chances are we are more likely to have a piano fall on us than be killed by a terrorist attack or mass shooting. Don’t misunderstand me, I am an advocate for reasonable gun control. What I am trying to convey is that these issues loom so large because they have become viral, grabbing our attention from whatever screen we happen to have our face in. If we gave much less attention to them, they wouldn’t necessarily stop occurring but much of the energy that fuels them would dissipate.

You see whether it’s Trump, the Terrorists or the Mass Shooters, what they all share is an obsession with being the center of attention and the media especially viral social media only feed their obsession. 

When we place too much of our focus on the sensational and all too often disturbing events that are in our daily news feeds, we give up our connection to our soul’s inner tranquility. I’m not saying to bury your head in the sand, I care about mankind’s well being. Just place more of your focus on truth beauty and goodness and care about the  best things in life that really matter. 

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Tuning Out the News and Social Media for Sanity

Recently my experience is that of being constantly bombarded by information overload. The world today has become far too over stimulated and the news is all too often unsettling to say the least. The headlines pop up on my iPhone, laptop, iPad  and television. My face is all too often found staring at a screen. Whether it comes from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flipboard or the traditional news outlets, it's been a huge challenge to turn off the devices and turn my focus inward.

The very divisive tone and rancor being communicated has served to heighten my anxiety level and I know I'm not alone. The simple solution I've discovered for myself has been to take periodic news and social media "fasts".

Last week I took 4 days off  while I was  enjoying my avocation as a ski instructor for the President's week vacation. Every time I tune out, it's amazing how much more serene I feel. I say this is a simple solution, yet it isn't always easy. It takes discipline and self-control. For many of us, constantly checking our news feeds has practically become an addiction. What

I've also discovered for my peace of mind, is the need to remain detached and respectful in my interactions with family and friends about the current political climate. One of the most famous slogans of the 60's rebellion was "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out".

Back then tuning in was supposed to mean getting in touch with your higher self.  Of course that was way before social media and smart phones. Today I suggest revising the slogan as follows: Turn Off, Tune Out, Drop In.

For this rebel it's a strategy for regaining a semblance of balance and enlightened consciousness in my life. Turn off  your device, tune out the insane toxic information overload and drop in to the silence, your true inner self.