Rebel with a Cause....Cycling for the Cure

I love road biking, am passionate about  finding a cure for diabetes and supporting the 30,000,000 American diabetics, my 21 year old son Nate among them. Since Nate was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2011 I've combined my passion for cycling with my commitment to giving back by becoming the three time #1 fundraiser on the annual Tour de Cure bike ride for the American Diabetes Association.

I experience a sense of exhilaration and freedom riding out on the beautiful country roads we have here in Upstate New York.

My inner rebel is awakened as I grind out a hard uphill climb followed by the exciting rush of a high speed ride down the other side of that hill.

That same inner rebel is at play as I reach out to raise funds for a cause I feel so strongly about. With one million more Americans being diagnosed every year we must confront the diabetes epidemic head on or it threatens to crush our health care system.

This commitment to set a lofty fundraising goal every year, telling  my son's story and expressing my passion for this critical cause enriches my soul.  I get the added bonus of sharing the journey on my bike with many of my closest friends and colleagues.