On My Mind…

Two very dangerous words...BREAKING NEWS...Just when we thought that the press had been sufficiently chastised for their flagrant over-reaction to just about everything, we find ourselves back to square one. Arguably, it was press exuberance for "the boy bites dog" stories that stole the election from HRC. That the combination of having a belligerent clown and an "untrustworthy woman" wouldn't be enough for the video press to get off on, they are now doubling down with non-existent recall of what might have brought us to this place. Shortened memories of abetting the hype, following hysterical story-lines, and igniting rumor to flagrant explosion, I thought might have some sobering effect on the Fourth Estate. Not so. The screamers, the ranters, the newbies seeking recognition, and their networks, are colluding once again, albeit competitively, to raise their flags of dubious profundity. I, for one, have chosen to refrain from joining the viewing crowd this time around. It matters little which network one turns to, whether it be FOX or MSNBC, NBC, CBS, or ABC. Remove the the shrillness of "BREAKING NEWS", and each serves up the same information but with their own parochial view. What passes for news today was seen only in county fairs of old. Then, it was the freak shows - "come one, come all, see the bearded lady...see the man with 43 toes...watch the half man half ape read from from the ancient book of psalms while walking on fire." The hucksters, the ring masters, and their bosses are after the same rewards...cash. Another responsibility falls to the "people", to those of us seeking information without slant, data without aggressive perspective, and calmness in tone. Sorry, but the sideshow freaks of today - the Trump cast of misfits and the sorrowfully impotent Democrats, cannot be churned by the barkers by yelling "SEE 'EM, SEE 'EM, the freaks of nature are yours to see...just cough up a buck...don't pay, folks...