Happy 2018

Happy 2018! The winter season and new year are excellent opportunities to reflect and look inward. In that stillness and from a place of self-love, I invite you to consider your intentions for this year.

What are you happy to leave behind? What are you committed to no longer tolerating? What are you excited to let in? What are you motivated to make space for? I made specific lists for each of those questions and when I finished writing, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted and I was genuinely enthusiastic about the opportunities I would create in 2018. Writing these lists helped me to take a big step forward and release what no longer serves me and acknowledge what I want to manifest. Recognizing and committing to new intentions is so empowering!

Here are a few highlights from my lists:

I am happy to leave behind fear of what other people think of me. I am committed to no longer running myself ragged and ignoring self-care. I am excited to let in a new loop of positive affirmations and abundance. I am motivated to make space for forgiveness of myself and others. While New Year’s Resolutions tend to come and go, setting clear intentions and showing up fully each day to do our best, sets us up for awesome success day after day. As you consider your intentions and the questions above, I encourage you to focus on moving away from what has held you back. Take some deep breaths, grab a pen and paper and write to clear out and release the thought patterns and habits that no longer serve you in a positive way. Take more deep breaths and write to get clear on how you want to live and where you’ll focus your energy. You’re worth this effort, so fill your mind with new thoughts and your heart with positive vibes, and take a step forward.

I’d love to hear from you! What are your intentions for the new year and how did you gain clarity around them? If you’d like support, reach out and schedule a free Discovery Call, I look forward to chatting with you.

Xo, Meg