Gratitude is Rebellious

In this era where so many feel way too entitled, to allow gratitude to be the guiding force in one's life is a true gift. The ego tends to always see and perceive what is lacking in our lives. As I get the opportunity to dive deeper into the silence, I find I can only really let go when I  appreciate this gift of life.As someone who experiences anxiety from time to time, the ability to refocus on the abundant gifts in my life is paramount.

First and foremost we need to give and experience true love. I know that sharing love enlivens my heart and soul. We can often overlook this when we feel entitled to receive ease and comfort without any degree of personal sacrifice. In times when I find myself in a dark state, I  have discovered that relief can be as close as my next deep breath where God always is. That breath leads to a heightened awareness of all that is good and beautiful in my life.  Sometimes the process is messy and challenging. Challenges can be blessings and blessings can be challenges. Often simply asking the question "What am I grateful for right now"? can elevate one's conciousness and flood the brain with endorphins.

We need gentle kind reminders to lead us back to our inherent nature of truth beauty and goodness. To open our hearts to a state of gratitude is one of the gifts of higher awareness

You may be asking what makes gratitude Rebellious? To enter a state of true appreciation requires you to let go of your preoccupation with yourself which we all do to some degree much of the time.

We Rebel against our lower self and it's petty obsessions and demands.  We move towards abiding in our higher Self, a state of peace and true serenity.