Forgiveness is Rebellious

As I strive to live in a higher state of consciousness, what has come up for me recently is the healing power of forgiveness. I've known for years that resentments of any kind are huge impediments to inner peace.  A new realization about what forgiveness truly is has enabled me to open up to how it works in our lives. To be clear, forgiveness doesn't mean we just "turn the other cheek" or overlook the wrong done to us or what we may have done to ourselves. It's a process in which we take complete responsibility for every aspect of our lives. We see everything and everyone as reflections of ourselves. Coming to this realization takes a willingness to face our victimhood and the courage to transcend the limitation of that mentality.

You may ask why forgiveness is rebellious. Our egos thrive on being victimized and holding on to resentments. Within all of us is an inner guide (rebel) or higher power. Many refer to it as our soul, spirit or God within. Whatever we feel comfortable calling it, I know it exists from personal experience. The process of tuning in to it requires an awareness of the ego's hold on our minds. By becoming more aware, we are rebelling against the ego and the chaos and havoc it so often wreaks.

To live a life of higher consciousness, truth and peace requires a discipline to discern the difference between our ego (lower) mind and our inner guide (higher) mind. I rebel against my ego by actively seeking conscious contact with my higher Self taking regular time for myself in quiet solitude with meditation, contemplation and prayer. To embrace forgiveness is like crossing the bridge from darkness to light, chaos to true peace of mind. We will then find ourselves on the road to a life of true happiness, with a real connection to the wisdom of our inner guide.

*Photo courtesy of Mehosh Photography: