A Drop Of Positivity

A drop of positivity could make all the difference in your day. Are you negatively assuming someone's thoughts and actions? Are you placing adverse tone on what your incoming texts and email?  Is something or someone driving you crazy? When things like this happen, people tend to  internalize their thoughts and feelings. The whole day shifts into a slump. You might even start making horrible food choices and before you know it, one thing leads to another and you are in a pool of gloom.

Get out of this rabbit hole!  You are responsible for you,  no one else.  You need to take control.  One way I unexpectedly found clarity was setting positive message alarms on my cell phone, daily reminders.  Periodically, my phone calendar dings and a self message reminds me to have a stress check, say something positive, or take a 5 min break.  Sometimes the messages come at the right time, when I need to reevaluate my head space.  It's a gentle self check in that keeps me on track. Sometimes, I'm already on track and that's the best feeling of all. When that happens I think about what else could I improve on. Always thinking in the right direction.

From this drop, I wish you a flood of positivity.