Your Inner Lion Roaring is Rebellious

Today is Day #57 of life in our Corona-Virus quarantine/isolation. This was supposed to be the year of 2020 clear vision.  Perhaps our period of sheltering in place is giving us the time we need to experience that clarity. In my last post, I suggested we all have a lion within us that longs to be released to roar. For me this time in seclusion is affording me the opportunity to tune into new ways I want to creatively express myself and allow that lion to roar. I am a man that thrives on human contact so I have had to discover alternatives to spending time with my fellow humans on a daily basis.. Now I am diving much deeper within to find a true connection with my Soul/ Authentic Self, leading me to new levels of self expression. Meditation, prayer, yoga,exercise and journaling are the among tools I use on my path to a deeper awareness of that Authentic Self.  That lion within me is passionate to share love and help my fellow humans have more meaningful lives. I see it all as a rebellion against self- centeredness, complacency, despair and anxiety.

I went through a good part of my life believing I was broken inside, often consumed by intrusive neurotic thoughts and anxiety. As I've grown older, I have come to see myself as whole, healthy and well. While self deprecating thoughts and emotions still arise, I’m usually able to detach, observe and let them pass.

Most of us go through life believing that our happiness is contingent on good things occurring. The word sukha in the Buddhist tradition is used to describe the type of true happiness that isn't dependent on what happens in life. With this awareness, we have a chance to move through this unprecedented time confidently that our heart will guide us through whatever we find on our path. This confidence has been called the 'Lion's Roar", it gives us a joyful perspective of acceptance. The profound realization that we can work with whatever life throws at us.

During this period of isolation, I'm currently experiencing a process of transformation in which I’ve tuned into my soul consciousness. It’s a daily opportunity to live in tune with a higher power, the God of my understanding. That’s not to say I don’t have my share of disappointment and sorrow, I just choose to live most of the time focused on the limitless possibilities  My life is lighter, freer and far more joyous.
