Reflections on Fatherhood & Grandfatherhood

Undoubtedly Fatherhood has been absolutely transformational in my life. I am now blessed to experience a profound love with the birth of my grandson Micah Leo. I continue to grow everyday in ways never imagined before my eldest son Adam was born. Now my role as father to my three amazing grown children and grandfather to my newborn grandson is paramount to me. Nothing else in life is more important, Being truly blessed to have been raised by an amazing, kind and loving father who was always there for me. In fact he still is at the age of 100! His consistent presence in my life had the effect of stabilizing and making me feel loved unconditionally and safe. He undoubtedly inspired me to become the best father I can be.

We live in a very scary world today. Much of what we once counted on for stability has changed dramatically or been totally destroyed. Chaos appears to be the new norm which doesn’t bode well for our collective sense of safety and security. We see a lack of civility everywhere and tremendous anger. All of this makes the role of loving calm fathers all the more critical in our children’s lives.

As I reflect on the relationships I have with my daughter Mikayla and 2 sons Adam & Nate I feel a deep and profound love for them and am deeply committed to their well being. Adam with Sunny and Mikayla with Theresa live far away now. Thankfully Nate with Sara and Micah live close by. I cherish all of them, they are always on my mind and in my heart.

There are many stages of fatherhood and we get the opportunity to grow up as we raise our children. I’m not the same man I was when when I first became a father in 1991. My commitment to being a truly good father, inspired me to go deep within in order to transform myself so I could love,nurture and care for my kids.

By grace my soul is guided from within to love, cherish, guide and protect my children who are the greatest gifts God has bestowed upon me.
